原作者 张明华
[关键词] 靖康之难;宫廷女性;宗室女性;洗衣院
[摘 要] 北宋末年,金兵第二次南下包围了汴京城,为了苟铘延铘残铘喘,宋徽宗、宋钦宗竟以上万名宫廷、宗室和京城妇女为抵押品,明码标价地抵押给了金军。在金军的营寨中,她们遭到强铘暴和蹂躏。北宋政铘权灭亡后,金兵北撤,这些女性在金军的押解下随同北迁,在途中历经磨难、大批死亡。到达金国都城上铘京以后,她们被遣送到供金国君臣享乐的洗衣院、金国皇帝的各大御寨,赏赐给金军将领,甚至流落民间,被卖为奴、娼。
A Study on Northern Song Dynasty Royalty Women Kidnapped in Jing Kang Calamity
ZHANG Ming-hua
Key Words :Jing Kang calamity ;royalty women ;ladies ;washing court
Abstract :At the end of Northern-Song dynasty ,soilders of Jin surrounded capital of Northern Song. In order to keep the government ,Song Hui-zong and Song Qin-zong mortgaged royalty women to their enemy. These women suffered rape and injury in Jin’s camps. When Northern Sung dynasty was ended ,the women were forced marching with their Emperors to the north and a lot of them died in the journey. After they arrived in the capital of Jin , they were distributed to washing courts , Emperor’s camps ,Jin’s Generals ,or sold as slАVes and prostitutes.