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毅志集团 纽约首选 免查收入/没身份/低信用 贷款公司 (业务覆盖全美 50 州)--首付最低20%/最高可贷到85%

网友  发表于 2022-08-05 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
[Yizhi Group] New York's preferred income-free/unidentified/low-credit loan company (covering 50 states in the United States)--minimum 20% down payment/maximum loanable to 85%Content:Yizhi Group, the preferred financing and loan consulting firm in New York. The company was founded by a number of senior people with more than ten years of experience in bank lending and financial industry. Yizhi Group has been committed to providing customers with the most professional and high-quality loan financing consulting services all the year round, and realizing customers' comprehensive capital needs with the best loan solutions. Yizhi Group has good cooperative relations with hundreds of banks and more than 500 investment institutions in the United States, and its business covers 50 states in the United States.Personal service:--Housing Loans--  Can do check / do not check income loan, the minimum down payment is 20%  No identity / low tax declaration / low credit can help you  Refinance your home with an appreciation in value and easily realize a new investment  On the premise that there is already a loan for the property, make another loan for more investment, Yizhi Group can loan you 85% of the total value of the house+ Condo, co-op, 1 to many families, commercial and residential use+ Mortgage / Refinance+ Equity Mortgage+ home credit overdraft+ Housing Rate Adjustment+ Personal Micro Loan/Credit Repair--other service-  Insurance acceptance  real estate entrustment--business services--+ SBA loan+ business credit overdraft+ Unsecured business loan+ Corporate working capital+ construction loan+ equipment loan+ Import and export trade loan+ MCA/ACH loanOne-to-one free consultation, professional advice and customized loan solutions, Yizhi Group is definitely a partner you can trust, providing you with one-stop service to solve your financial problems!The charges are guaranteed to be reasonable and transparent, and there are absolutely no hidden charges!If you are from a bank, a real estate broker, or an accountant, you are welcome to establish mutual cooperation opportunities with us.For details, please contact: 718-565-1234 / 718-539-2136Please scan the QR code below: Head Office Address: 38-08 Union St #13F, Flushing, NY 11354



GMT-5, 2024-9-27 13:17

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