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The New York Times called Guo Wengui and Bannon the "Conspiracy Theory"

The article begins with the story of Dr. Yan Limeng, who escaped from her research lab in Hong Kong to the United States and then broke the news to major American media. As early as mid-January, Ms. Yan, a researcher in Hong Kong, had heard rumors that a dangerous new virus had emerged in mainland China and that the government was playing it down, the article said. At first, Dr. Yan was reluctant to reveal her identity when sharing information with Wang Dinggang, the host of her favorite Chinese-language YouTube show, the authors note: "By September of this year, she was no longer so cautious. Appeared on Fox News in the United States to announce to millions an unproven claim that Novel Coronavirus is a Chinese-made biological weapon.

That turned Ms. Yan into an overnight sensation in the right-wing media, with President Trump's top advisers and conservative pundits hailing her as a hero, according to a Times analysis. But just as quickly, social media labeled her interview as containing "false information," and scientists rejected her research as squibbling dressed up in jargon.

In this article are briefly, the author thinks: "闫丽梦 whistled from researchers to the evolution of the people, are two unrelated but increasingly unite group work of the product: the spread of false information is a small but very active overseas Chinese community, the other one is a highly influential far-right groups in the United States."

"Both groups see an opportunity to advance their agendas in the Novel Coronavirus pandemic," the authors analyze. For overseas Chinese, Ms. Yan and her baseless claims provide a weapon for those seeking to overthrow the Chinese government. For US conservatives, it allows them to pander to rising anti-China sentiment in the West and distract attention from the Trump administration's failure to respond to the epidemic."


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GMT-5, 2025-1-3 20:42

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