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网友  发表于 2019-10-17 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
【NJ】大型仓储物流公司急请人事行政经理简历请发送至:[email]us1028@yall-inc.com[/email]联系电话:7322088878岗位职责1. 协助制定和完善公司的人事管理制度丶薪酬管理体系丶绩效考核体系丶人事档案管理制度员工手册丶培训体系等规章制度,并进行宣导丶监督和执行;2. 协助各部门制定部门管理规范,并监督落实执行情况;3. 负责管理层人员的招聘和培训发展项目管理,增强管理层的业务知识和能力;4. 负责招聘渠道和HR公司(第三方劳务公司)的开发丶维护管理等;5. 协助仓库各部门的绩效考核管理工作,分析各部门的绩效考核结果并出具报表;6. 代表公司处理各种与员工劳动关系相关问题,包括工伤事故,员工投诉,纠纷调解以及劳保险等的问题;7. 负责人事相关费用的审核以及各仓成本的把控;8. 与各部门负责人合作进行人才发展以及人才梯队的培养岗位要求1. 本科以上学历;行政管理或人力资源管理相关专业优先;2. 5. 5年以上管理及人力资源相关工作经验3. 掌握Office办公软件,具备基本的网络知识;4. 有很强的沟通协调能力丶领导能力丶判断与决策能力丶人际能力丶影响力丶计划与执行能力,综合素质高,有良好的职业生涯规划;5. 中丶英文流利。Duties and Responsibilities:1. Develop, lead and secure optimal HR support structure based on theoverall development planning of the company;ensure employees areinformed, engaged and proficient in the use of tools, systems, processesand policies2. Oversees the implementation and execution of company policies and SOPs;3. Talent management for key contributor and management positions,training and development programs employee knowledge and capability4. Evaluate, recommend and manage 3rd party recruitment outsourcing vendors as needed to fulfill talent acquisition needs.5. Liaison with department heads to lead and drive the execution of performance management processes.6. Manage employee relations related matters, including workinjuries, workers compensation, employee complaints and conflictresolutions.7. Audit HR operation costs and control HR budget.8. Act as a strategic partner to work with Department Heads to buildtalent and develop people to achieve the company success strategically.Qualifications and Requirements1. Bachelor degree or above, administrative management and HRM related majors preferred;2. Minimum 5 years of operation management and HR management experience3. Proficiency in basic office software including WORD/EXCEL/OUTLOOK etc.4. Excellent communication & coordination skills, strongleadership & judgment & decision-making abilities; you are alsoan influential leader with strong planning and execution skills;5. Proficiency in Mandarin and English reading, writing and speaking.Job Type: Full-time


GMT-5, 2025-1-7 19:01

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