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小纽约网 华人资讯 查看内容

Flushing new luxury Kangdou furniture one bedroom and one hall rent 2500.

2019-2-11 20:39| 发布者: 纽约商家| 查看: 1912| 评论: 0

             Flushing new luxury Kangdou furniture one bedroom and one hall rent 2500.
2 minutes by subway , it is very convenient to surround restaurants, shops, stations, etc. New luxury and comfortable with luxury furniture, all inclusive, for rent 2500.
Please call Ms. Li 917-292-8886 WeChat 917-292-8886 Email: acer15888@yahoo.com    [url=mailto:acer15888@yahoo.com][/url]
Of Li elizabeth , Broker , Acer Realty Inc is an Warom Property   
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GMT-5, 2025-3-31 00:03
