要是你在地鐵上遇到這兩個女的,可能要小心了! 6月2日,這兩名分別為17歲和16歲的少女在紐約市,搭著往曼哈頓方向的地鐵。這時,一名老太太走了過來。 78歲的Norma Trotman當時很累了,因此請其中一個女孩,把腳從位子上放下來,讓她坐。 少女照做了,要是事情到此為止就好了。不幸的是,她們沒那麼簡單就放過老太太。 地鐵在布魯克林區又開了幾站後,Norma下車了,但兩名青少女也跟著她下了車。 老太太還沒回過神來,就被打倒在地,頭部和全身都被又踢又踹。 兩名惡女攻擊完後,就跳上另一班列車,逃離現場。 她們可能以為逃得過法網,但警方把監視錄影照片,向大眾公布,希望逮捕她們,好巧不巧,其中一名女孩的媽媽正好看到,於是把女兒交給警方。 另一名少女隨後也被拘捕,兩人現在可能面臨攻擊起訴。 英文原文: If you happen to cross these teens on the subway, maybe watch your back. On June 2, the 17 and 16-year-old girls were on a New York City train heading to Manhattan when an elderly woman approached them. 78-year-old Norma Trotman was tired, and asked if one of the girls would take their feet off the seat so she could sit down. The girl obliged, and it would’ve been nice if things ended there. But unfortunately, the old lady didn’t get off that easy. A few stops later in Brooklyn, Norma left the train, but she was followed out by the two girls. Before she knew it, she was being beat to the ground, kicked in the head and all over her body. When they finished assaulting her, the two thugs jumped on another train and high-tailed it outta there. They might have thought they’d get away with it, but when police posted security cam photos to the public in an effort to track them down, one of the girls’ mothers happened to see them, and turned her daughter in. The other girl was turned into custody shortly afterwards. Assault charges are now pending. |
GMT-5, 2024-12-22 14:08