一名穆斯林教长和他的助理,周六在纽约皇后区(Queens)遭人枪杀,警方正在搜索嫌犯与其动机。嫌犯枪杀的Maulama Akonjee和Thara Uddin都是孟加拉的穆斯林。警方表示,该名伊玛目和他的同事是在下午1点50分左右,也就是下午的祈祷后在路上行走。他们沿着79街走向自由大道(Liberty Avenue),他们的清真寺就在附近。枪手穿着短裤和深色上衣。他从背后接近两名受害者。这名男性嫌犯近距离朝受害者的后脑勺开枪。目击者表示有看到嫌犯持枪逃离现场。《纽约时报》报导,Akonjee身上带了超过一千美元,但这笔钱并没有遭窃。发生凶杀案后,穆斯林社群聚集在两名男子遭到杀害的地点。纽约市警局副督察Henry Sautner表示,当局正在调阅监视器画面和讯问目击者,将会积极调查全案。此外,初步证据并未显示,本案与死者的信仰有关。调查人员正在厘清,当日稍早在清真寺发生的争执,是否与本案有关联。英文原文:Police are searching for a suspect and motive in the shooting death of a Muslim cleric and his associate in Queens on Saturday.The suspect shot to death Maulama Akonjee and Thara Uddin, both Bangladeshi Muslims.Police said the imam and his associate were walking together at about 150pm, shortly after afternoon prayers.They were walking up 79th street toward Liberty Avenue. Their mosque is nearby.The gunman wore shorts and a dark polo shirt. He approached his victims from behind.The male suspect shot his victims in the back of the head at close range.Witnesses described seeing the suspect flee with his gun in hand.The New York Times reported that Akonjee carried more than $1,000 on his person and the money wasn't taken.Following the murders, members of the Muslim community gathered at the spot where the two men were killed.Investigators are trying to determine whether a dispute at the mosque earlier in the day is connected to the shooting.