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网友  发表于 2019-10-18 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
8大道补习社招收高中生义工辅导小学生作业,无经验可培训,会提供义工证明信给学校要求的credit。An 8th Avenue after-school program is looking for high school volunteers to help kids G1-G5. Monday to Friday 3:00 - 6:00pm We will provide the letter for your school credit as needed. Please call Miss Jane at 646-543-9168. Thank you!646-543-91688大道补习社招收高中生或大学生做义工辅导小学生作业,无经验可以培训,会为该学生提供义工证明。 其他人请非诚勿扰。 谢谢!An after-school program is looking for volunteers to help kids G1-G5.Monday to Friday 3:00 - 6:00pmcall 646-543-9168 Hello! Our new After-School Program in Brooklyn Chinatown is accepting high school students volunteering to help 1st - 5th Grade kids. We will provide a certified letter to prove your volunteering credits and working experience. Thank you for applying! 1). senior high school students having Mandarin Chinese speaking ability and an excellent native English.2). Available to help with kids homework from 3:00 - 6:00pm on weekdays from Monday to Friday or Saturday. 3). Mature, calm, sharp, positive, responsible, kind and patient with 1st - 5th Grade kids. 4). Able to give a long-term commitment for the Fall 2018 semester or longer.Please be informed that we are located in exciting Brooklyn Chinatown on 58th ST and 8th Ave, on the "Coney Island" bound N train to "8 Ave" stop. So it's a PLUS if you live nearby!--Subway Directions: Take the "Coney Island" bound N train to "8 Ave" stop, walk to 58th ST on 8th Ave.If interested please call Ms. Liu at 646-543-9168 for an immediate interview. Thank you! All the BEST!!


GMT-5, 2025-1-7 16:48

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