香港反送中运动的战火,竟然蔓延至NBA!火箭总经理莫利(Daryl Morey)早前表态撑港,引致被内地封杀。NBA总裁阿当施华(Adam Silver),直言支持莫利行使言论自由,却令央视、腾讯宣布停播NBA季前中国赛。施华随后再发声明「企硬」,强调平等、尊重、言论自由是NBA长久以来所坚持的价值,NBA不会去监管球员、雇员和球队老板该说什么或不该说什么。
施华出席一个讲述NBA球队在日本的赛事时,在场记者都把提问焦点转到中国央视封杀NBA一事,其中一名记者以国泰航空以言论为由解雇员工作例子,问施华能否保证NBA在香港的员工可以享有言论自由,施华称「我们会保护员工的言论自由」(We will protect our employee freedom of speech)。
I recognize our initial statement left people angered, confused or unclear on who we are or what the NBA stands for. Let me be more clear.
Over the last three decades, the NBA has developed a great affinity for the people of China. We have seen how basketball can be an important form of people-to-people exchange that deepens ties between the United States and China.
At the same time, we recognize that our two countries have different political systems and beliefs. And like many global brands, we bring our business to places with different political systems around the world.
But for those who question our motivation, this is about far more than growing our business.
Values of equality, respect and freedom of expression have long defined the NBA -- and will continue to do so. As an American-based basketball league operating globally, among our greatest contributions are these values of the game.
In fact, one of the enduring strengths of the NBA is our diversity -- of views, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders and religions. Twenty-five percent of NBA players were born outside of the United States and our colleagues work in league offices around the world, including in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei.
With that diversity comes the belief that whatever our differences, we respect and value each other; and, what we have in common, including a belief in the power of sports to make a difference, remains our bedrock principle.
It is inevitable that people around the world -- including from America and China -- will have different viewpoints over different issues. It is not the role of the NBA to adjudicate those differences.
However, the NBA will not put itself in a position of regulating what players, employees and team owners say or will not say on these issues. We simply could not operate that way.
Basketball runs deep in the hearts and minds of our two peoples. At a time when divides between nations grow deeper and wider, we believe sports can be a unifying force that focuses on what we have in common as human beings rather than our differences.