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ICE在密西西比今天突袭了几家中餐馆 抓了好几个

2017-2-22 19:04| 发布者: 弯弓射大雕| 查看: 1770049| 评论: 0


据WJTV报道,2月22号星期三早上10点,在密西西比,Pearl。国土安全部门搜查了在Rankin County的几家中国餐馆。一位官员告诉记者,他们要在Jackson和Meridian附近等八个不同地点执行联邦搜查令。

我们的工作人员发现执法人员分别出现在Pearl的一家China Buffet以及一家叫做Ichiban的餐馆。同时,我们还发现在一家餐馆的门上贴有一张便条,上面写着:餐馆因检查关门。


PEARL, Miss. (WJTV) — Authorities with Homeland Security are at several Chinese restaurants in Rankin County.

An official tells WJTV that they are executing federal search warrants in the Jackson and Meridian area at eight different locations.

They started around 10 a.m. Wednesday.

Our crews spotted law enforcement officers at the China Buffet near the Pearl Walmart and the Ichiban restaurant in Pearl. We also found a note on the door of one of the businesses that said the restaurant was closed for inspection.

This is a developing story. WJTV will provide updates as we get them.

原文地址:点我也可以  http://wjtv.com/2017/02/22/homeland-security-authorities-raid-several-chinese-restaurants-in-rankin-county/

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GMT-5, 2025-2-23 13:28
